Friday, 28 of March of 2025

Bord Bainistíochta/Board of Management

Is é dualgas boird an scoil a bhainistiú thar cheann an phatrúin agus ar mhaithe leis na mic léinn agus a dtuismitheoirí agus oideachas cuí a sholáthar do gach mac léinn ar an scoil a bhfuil freagracht ar an mbord sin ina leith. (At 15 (1) Acht Oideachais 1998)

It is the duty of the board to manage the school on behalf of the patron and for the benefit of their students and their parents and to provide or cause to be provided an appropriate education for each student at the school for which that board has responsibility. (Section 15 (1) Education Act 1998)

An Bord Bainistíochta Nua / New Board of Management 2011-2015
Beidh ochtar ar an mBord Bainistíochta nua, mar seo a leanas/The new Board of Management will consist of 8 members, made up as follows:

2 ionadaí an Phatrúin (An Foras Pátrúnachta)/2 members nominated by the Patron
Bartley Ó Gabháin
Áine Uí Icí (Ann Hickey)

An Príomhoide/Principal
Mícheál Ó Broin

Ainmní na Múinteoirí/Teachers’ Nominee
Fiona Nic Dhonncha

Ainmnithe na dtuismitheoirí (máthair agus athair)/Parents’ Nominees (mother and father)
Mícheál Ó Domhnaill
Attracta Uí Cheallaigh-Loinsigh

2 ionadaí an Phobail/2 representatives from wider community
Peadar Ó Fearghaíl
Maria Taylor