Friday, 28 of March of 2025

Category » Múinteoir Aengus

Na Gardaí sa Scoil

Míle buíochas le Pat agus Neasa a thug cuairt orainn inniu.


Ag Léamh le Chéile – Márta 12

Ag Léamh le Chéile – Márta 8

Ag Léamh le Chéile – Reading Together

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Thosaigh Seachtain na Gaeilge sa scoil inniu!

Ruagairí Shligigh (Sligo Rovers) sa scoil

Operation Christmas Child 2012

Queen Aleste Saves Prince Ikore

Some pupils from Rang a 3 read the story of Queen Aleste and her enemy El Diabblo

Queen Aleste Saves Prince Ikore Part 1

Queen Aleste Saves Prince Ikore Part 2

Queen Aleste Saves Prince Ikore Part 3

Queen Aleste Saves Prince Ikore Part 4

Queen Aleste Saves Prince Ikore Part 5

Fionn at Tara

Fionn at Tara

This video is about how Finn became the leader of the Fianna.

We used highlighting and bullet points to summarise the story. Then we planned what pictures we would use to tell the story.

First of all we sketched and then painted the background. Then we had to draw pictures of the characters. We went on a cartoon website to learn how to draw the king and Finn and the dragon.

Next we scanned the pictures and characters into the computer. On the computer we used Paint.NET to blend the pictures together.

Finally, we used Photostory 3 to put the pictures together into a story.

We hope you enjoy our story.


Gruesome Nursery Rhymes

Some traditional nursery rhymes with a different ending.

Déanta le páistí ó Rang 4 – Rang 6

It’s raining, it’s pouring 1

Humpty Dumpty

It’s raining, it’s pouring 2

Round and round the garden


How to make Lemonade


This ………..